Both charge circuits work completely separate from each other and can also be set individually. The Display is split for each charge output and therefore all the most important charging data will be simultaneously displayed.
The display is made using a blue, backlit 128 x 64 pixel graphic LC-Display.
The menu navigation can be switched between german, english or french languages.
The integrated Equalizer automatically balances the voltage level of the individual cells during the charging process. The Equalizer current is approximately 250 mA and is sufficient also for batteries with a capacity exceeding 5Ah.
By connecting it to the Robbe SPS-Mains Power Supply 240V/40A No. 8539, the charge station can also be used at home and powered by the mains.
Simple, secure operation and automatic storage of the essential battery data in the robbe BID system (Battery-IDentification-System). .
The special advantage of the BID-System is: Simply plug the BID-Key into the charger and the charge process begins No tiresome adjustments of charge parameters in the menu Maximum protection against incorrect operation Storage of the most important battery data on the BID-Chip/Key Naturally, the Power Peak Triple Charger can charge batteries not fitted with BID-System 2 BID-Chips are included with the charger. Functions:
11?28V DC-Input 2 x 0.1?20A charge current (max. 500W per output with 24 V operations, 300W with 12V operation) 2 x 0.1?10A discharge current (max. 50W per output) 2 x Temperature Sensor inputs (10-60°C) 2 x 20 internal battery data memories 128 x 64 Pixel blue illuminated LCD display 10 melodies (selectable for every channel) USB-connection for Firmware-Upgrades
NC/NiMH batteries
2 x 1?18 NC/NiMH cells - charge, discharge and cycle charge 1-10 x Charge process, automatic, normal, linear and reflex charging Adjustable maintenance charging Adjustable Peak sensitivity
Lithium batteries, LiIo (3.6 V), LiPo (3.7V) or LiFe (3.3V)
2 x 1?7 Lithium cells - charge and discharge Charge performance selectable up to 5C TCS (Terminal Capacity Selection) Cut-off point on CV-charge range (10-100%)maximum cell voltage adjustable Safety-Timer cut-off (10...120%) Maximum-capaczity cut-off (10-150%) Storage mode (60%)
Lead-acid batteries
2 x 2?24V BP Lead-acid batteries - charge and discharge