250er Copter Antriebsset 3D Graupner 16550.3 Highest performance for spectacular manoeuvers
3D Copter needs components that meet the highest demands. The Graupner 3D Copter high-performance drive set gives you the opportunity to equip your 3D Copter with the appropriate accessories - at an affordable set-price.
The set contains 4 Brushless high-power motors ULTRA 2809 2300 kV (2209 stator) (No. S7051 and S7052). These hand-wounded outrunner motors are characterized by their optimum efficiency, their high torque, their compact design and the optimized power-weight ratio. Together with the Graupner ULTRA Brushless Control 3D speed controllers, the Ultra brushless motors show their full performance potential. Two motors rotate clockwise (Clockwise CW) and the other two rotate counter clockwise (Counter-Clockwise CCW).
The set also includes fourGraupner Ultra Control 20 A 3D (No. S3057) 3D Copter speed controllers. The 3D version of the Graupner 20 A controllers has been specifically designed for 3D copters. The open source BLHeli software, the powerful 50 MHz Silabs processor, the FET amplifiers, as well as the other high-quality components ensure the highest performance, fast switching times and precise engagement with 3D figures.
The Graupner 20 A 3D recognizes both normal (PPM) receiver pulses as well as OneShot. The speed controllers are delivered with the throttle course already modified for 3D flight for forward and reverse.
The set contains eight 6-inch 3D Props (No. 2348.6x3, No. 2946.6x3). The Graupner 3D-Props have been especially developed for 3D Copter. They have a nearly symmetrical blade profile and a neutral blade geometry. This makes them equally suitable for both directions of rotation.
An external BEC is also required to operate the drive set, e.g. the Graupner Voltage Module with SBEC for HoTT (No. S8446).
Included in the set:
2x Graupner Ultra 2809-2300KV CW (No. S7051)
2x Graupner Ultra 2809-2300KV CCW (No. S7052)
4x Graupner Ultra Control 20A 3D (No. S3057)
8x 3D-Prop 6x3 (No.2948.6x3 & No.2946.6x3)