WP SHOW FLYER Graupner 6240 The SHOW FLYER simply guarantees you hours of pure flying fun. Provided that you are a reasonably experienced pilot, this model cannot fail to delight. Whether you go in for spectacular aerobatics including torque rolls, hovering and other exotic manoeuvres, or just "normal" slow flying, the SHOW FLYER is bound to satisfy your wishes. The model´s airfoils and moment arms are specially selected to produce an absolutely docile aircraft which can be flown very slowly in safety, but it is still extremely agile and capable of radical aerobatics. The large control surfaces make it possible to fly complex manoeuvres within a very confined space. Please note that for this style of flying it is very important that you install a completely reliable motor. The model is supplied virtually finished and completely covered, and all you have to do is install the recommended components and carry out a little basic assembly work. Simple, clearly laid-out assembly instructions in German, English and French. Fuselage, wing and tail panels factory-covered in multi-colour film, fueltank, undercarriage, wheels, wooden parts, hinges, canopy, linkage hardware pack, small parts. Rudder
Throttle Wingspan approx. 1540 mm
Overall length approx. 1630 mm
Wing area approx. 80 dm²
All-up weight, according to fittings approx. 2900 g.