One of the best upgrades you can make to any new vehicle is to reduce weight. JConcepts has designed a user friendly and light-weight Titanium axle specifically for the Team Associated B6 | B6D. A critical point of this part revolves around the front axle and surrounding geometry, the crew at JConcepts has provided a great alternative. The team has conveniently designed the front axle and hex into a single piece which allows assembly to utilize all the kit hardware.Titanium material lowers the weight, increases strength over aluminum and increases the bling factor by 10-fold. The JConcepts axle is adjustable and with the included aluminum 1mm spacer, a narrower track width can now be achieved very quickly and effectively. Included in each package is two Titanium axles and two aluminum 1mm thick spacers which can be positioned inside or out to change track width. It is recommended to start with a stock width setting (1mm spacer placed outside) during initial build and assembly.Notes: JConcepts offers a direct replacement aluminum serrated wheel nut for this axle listed as part number J2341-1 (blue) and J2341-2 (black).Features: